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Nurse Personalized Face banner & cupcake toppers

Nurse Personalized Face banner & cupcake toppers

Regular price €5,00
Regular price Sale price €5,00
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Personalised Photo face retirement Garland / nurse face edit / nurse retirement Party decorations / Face Cupcake toppers / Funny face on a stick decorations with your picture - DIGITAL, TO PRINT AND CUT

Add a special touch to your nurse retirement party with this personalised picture toppers and garland!
-printable cupcake toppers
-printable garland
-printable poster "happy retirement" or any phrase you may need

This is a DIGITAL FILE, not a physical product. 


  • Place your order with photo and submit payment
  • Wait max. 12 hours for our email and download your Nurse Party Printable
  • Print & Cut
    Print your Party Printables on white cardstock or matte photo paper (A4 or US Letter size) on your home printer or at your local Print&Copy shop. Please note colours may vary from printer to printer.
  • Party!

You can save time and money while still impressing your guests with this original decorations!


1. Once printed, cut out the shapes with scissors.
2. For the garland, punch two holes at the side of the head with a hole punch or utility knife.
3. Thread twine, ribbon or string through the holes and hang up!
4.For the cupcake toppers, place a toothpick with tape or glue on the back.

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