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Cat Birthday Bundle Set - personalized by us!

Cat Birthday Bundle Set - personalized by us!

Regular price €11,00
Regular price Sale price €11,00
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Celebrate your little one's special day with this adorable cat printable birthday bundle!
Who's not a kitten lover? I know I am! That's why I created a series of cat decorations to cheer your kid's special day!

This cat printable set includes everything you need to decorate your party in style, featuring cute cat heads with birthday hats

-"Happy birthday+name" banner (or any phrase you'd like)
-Cake topper "Happy Birthday+name" + number + cats
-Cupcake toppers party hats +cats
-Stickers/toppers round and square
-Thank you tags
-Welcome poster
-Pillow mini box
-Digital invitation


  • Place your order with the details you want us to edit and submit payment
  • Wait max. 12 hours for our email and download your Party Printable
  • Print & Cut
    Print your Party Printables on white cardstock or matte photo paper (A4 or US Letter size) on your home printer or at your local Print&Copy shop. Please note colours may vary from printer to printer.
  • Craft & Party!

    You can save time and money while still impressing your guests with this original cat decorations!


    Order now and make your little one's birthday extra special.

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